
There must be a role for you – an author or a reader!
Our publications cover a wide range of topics which interest readers from 3 to 80 years of age. The most important goal, though, is to encourage everyone to write books of their own to share their life experiences!

Leisure Beyond On Shan

Author: NG Wai Man

Translator: Carol SUN

Rev. Ng Wai Man has served as Chaplain of Chung Chi College for a total of thirteen and a half years, which is so far the longest tenure since the establishment of the college.

“Leisure Beyond On Shan” is composed of three sections: Eulogies, Prayers for Contemplation, and Sermons. The Sermons section is further categorized into ‘Ancestors’ on amity and enmity, ‘Psalm’ on grievances chants, and ‘Gospel’ on Jesus’s footsteps.

The three eulogies commemorate the youngest and oldest member of the church respectively: Lau Shan was born severely handicapped and was abandoned at birth. She was only ten when she died; Professor Hu Xiuying was an eminent figure at home and abroad with very high status. She rested in peace at the age of 102; “Those years” is written in memory of my beloved mother.

Creating a Beautiful World with Pa

Author: Lee Wing Hon Tony

Illustrator: Jonathan Chong

It is an award book in the category of “picture book” in “The Next Writer Publication Funding Scheme (Session 2)” organized by the Hong Kong Publishing Federation and sponsored by Create Hong Kong of the Government of the HKSAR.

One traffic accident has ruined the life of a child and has also shattered a happy family into pieces!

However, in a world seen as gloomy, the author, being the father, has used his boundless imagination to share his endless love with his seriously handicapped son so that, together, they create a loving, sincere, and beautiful world filled with hope!

The whole book is based on a true story, full of warmth and laughter, and yet it sometimes moves one to tears! I hope that this book will bless every dad in striving to keep the role of being a father, and to establish a loving relationship with his children from childhood.

Daily Meditation with 365 Devotional Rhymes

Author: Mr Chi-wah Yiu

This book is mainly for Christians’ daily devotional use. It is suitable for young or old, or have been a Christian for a short time or a long time, and may start using this book from any month.

In the appendix, there is a “Topic Index” for readers to search for spiritual rhymes on different topics according to their needs, and it is suitable for personal use or sharing with others.

This book can also be used as a collection of short poems, so that readers can go through the rhymes and savor them.

Green Hills Still, Setting Sun Red

Author: Ms Yee-man Tso

Have you ever thought about how a family genetic disease can destroy a family or even a soul? But one turned to God can turn a curse into a blessing, bringing light to many sick people?

The author’s family, including her father, eldest brother, second sister, third brother, and fourth brother, all suffered from a family genetic disease – spinocerebellar ataxia. She has experienced many struggles in her heart, now she can write in her book: “I thought the God Father had been cursing my family, but it turned out that He used this to guide me back to Him…”

She even quit her job later and founded the “Hong Kong Spinocerebellar Ataxia Association”, giving patients the ultimate care and hope for eternal life! In 2018, she also received the “Hong Kong Humanity Award”.

This book contains a total of 40 articles, in addition to her testimonies, there are many encouragements for the poor and the sick.

The Pen with the Inspiration

Author: The Pen Fellowship(文心團契)

The Pen – moves freely, outlines the life and faith, just because

The Inspiration – the dream of literary creation inspired by the Lord, and the epiphany that touches the soul.

Five authors, savoring different aspects of life; five small books, showing the meaning and weight of life.

Strategy for Promoting Missions in Church

Author: Rev. Dr. Michael Lam

This book collects the opinions and experiences of many experts and senior pastors, expecting to outline a strategy that can help the church to promote missions. In other words, the purpose of this book is to discuss how to promote missions in church, not how the church participates in missions.

In order to make it easier for readers to grasp the tips of “promoting missions in church”, and to check the practical details, this book is divided into two parts, “promotion” and “practice”. Readers can choose to read according to their needs and purposes.

Pearl Decoded - Understand Popular Science through the Lens of a Pearl Farmer

Author: David C. K. Wong

It is an award book in the category of “popular science” in the first edition of “The Next Writer Publication Funding Scheme” organized by the Hong Kong Publishing Federation and sponsored by Create Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Mankind has always been fascinated with the origin of pearls. Whether it be the ancient legends or the modern sciences, such as the invention of microscopes and the application of radio frequency identification technology, scientific advancements gradually reveal the secrets of pearls. We even begin to observe the intimate relationship between pearls and the mother nature. We invite you to explore the sciences behind these natural gems from the ocean!

Pearl cultivation is a part of the marine heritage of Hong Kong. From the ancient pearl hunt to the modern pearl cultivation, the readers will learn about the global scientific discoveries that contribute to the evolution of the Hong Kong pearl industry. Furthermore, from the inspiration of nature, we investigate the possibility of cross-industrial collaboration that contributes to the symbiotic growth of the economy.

We encourage the parents and teachers to use this book as a guide to build a small aquarium to grow pearls at home or at school. Children will be able to learn about biology, chemistry, physics, and beyond, to build a foundation for their understanding of the sciences behind a life-supporting ecosystem. This is also a lesson about the respect for life, the interaction with nature, and the responsibility as a steward for our planet.

Home + Love

Author: SY Lit

A loving family is our haven and support to our exploration in the world. But when it is sick, and the relationship between the couple, parent and son, and among siblings is torn, what can we do?

Everyone has his/ her own family story, in which feelings are mixed, and has experienced different kinds of injuries. Don’t let the wound bleed endlessly, the injured one must endure pain, sew up the wound so that it will not bleed again. After getting over the sorrow, the family will become sturdy.

This book is divided into four parts, each of which records various experiences and reflections of different families in short essays, and attempts to explore the close relationship between the soul and the family. Hope it will arouse readers’ attention to the health of their families, and pour more love into it!

Step out of the Ordinary, and Follow ME

Author: An interview with 14 young visually impaired Christians of CMVIP

Even though you can’t see with your eyes, you can see with your heart more real and farther, and even see the preciousness of eternity!
This book contains the testimonies of 14 young visually impaired Christians. They have encountered more difficulties and frustrations in life than most people around, but God opened the eyes of their souls to see His presence, and live a beautiful and abundant life by stepping out of the ordinary!

Dictionary of Jewish Words

Author: Joyce Eisenberg & Ellen Scolnic

Christianity is actually a “cross-cultural” faith. To fully understand it, the “cross-cultural” experience is indispensable. Christianity originates from ancient Israel. Although Judaism has undergone many changes, it has still maintained a lot of traditional cultures. This dictionary has about 1,200 entries from Yiddish, Hebrew, Aramaic, and English. They cover the Jewish customs, traditions, festivals, history, beliefs, and religious documents, which help us understand the Jewish traditions, and thus help us understand Christianity more, and lead us to love the Word of God.

In Search of Martin Luther After 500 years

Author: The EveryOne Press Team

What do young people look for today? When reading History in early high school, they learn the Reformation Movement in the 16th century, of which Martin Luther was a key figure. This book is easy to read, being neither long nor dogmatic. It explores how the life of Martin Luther can fit into the life of young people today and what they can learn from him. For example, Martin Luther was a gifted student with his own way of looking at things. He was inquisitive, critical and able to think independently rather than follow the generally accepted trend. He would go to the bottom of issues to form his own views. All these are positive attributes that young people should seek today. May this book inspire young people to reflect on their situation and encourage them to seek the truth of the Gospel to benefit the world.

Stones of Remembrance

Author: Samantha Yau

Why did an English teacher give up her stable job in a band 1 middle school to pursue Christian ministry in a completely strange land in Uganda? This teacher writes about her experiences in Moody Bible Institute, the difficulties she encountered, God’s guidance in each step along the way and how she responded to God’s calling to serve African orphans. In this book, she talks about how she followed the example of stone pitching by the Israelites after crossing River Jordan as recorded in chapter 7 of Joshua. She pitched 7 stones to symbolize the attributes God revealed to her in her journey of faith, namely omniscience, faithfulness, wisdom, omnipotence, beauty, mercy and love.
Published in both Chinese and English, this book is suitable for students in high schools and tertiary education. Apart from sharing her valuable experience, the writer also encourages readers to step out of their comfort zone with confidence, broaden their perspective and extend their love and care for orphans in the famine-and-war-stricken African countries.

A Song in The Night

Author: Freda Cheung

How despairing bereavement could be! After her beloved husband, Rev. Fred Cheung, went to be with God, the writer was devastated and felt that her world had collapsed. At times, she thought that God was not with her any more or was silent. But she clutched tight to God’s hand which guided her through her difficult times. In the process, she turned darkness into light and despair into hope, learning how to live meaningfully for the rest of her life on earth and prepare for the eternal life thereafter. Her life experience is certainly a great encouragement to others who are bereaved like her.

This book is a valuable account of how the writer sailed through and emerged from her hard times following the passing away of her husband. Her writing is full of emotions expressed in fine details and with precision. Her recollection is succinct, but to the point, deep and touching. She also appends the book with a self-help guide which provides specific, practical and objective suggestions for people in grief.

Retirement +01

Author: Loretta Li & EveryOne Press Team

Population aging is becoming an increasingly prominent social issue. As more and more Christians are reaching the end of their occupational career or have already retired, they need to adapt to and cope with this major turn in life. Can the church help them turn this threat into opportunity? Also, many of the retirees are still in good shape, both physically and mentally. They can well start another page in their life. How does the church encourage them to contribute to God’s ministry with their skills and experiences?

This book targets at readers who are retirees or about to retire. It encourages them to enter into a closer relationship with God and, as they start a new phase in life, to share and pass on their grace of life with the missions and dreams they have received from God. The book comprises four chapters, namely “Me in Retrospect”, “New Wine and New Wineskin”, “A Blessed Life” and “Eternity and Passing On”. It is good for personal reading and even better for group study and sharing at fellowship meetings. It is aimed at helping readers to achieve the following goals:

  • Stocktaking and reflecting on life so far, refreshing spiritually in God and starting the next phase in life;
  • Experiencing the joy of walking with God, shaking off all the secular conventions and restraints and sharing the Gospel freely with others;
  • Encouraging retirees to work hard to promote the kingdom of God while they may.

Hold on to the Last

Author: Mei-ling Yung

A wheelchair-bound lady who turned her weaknesses into strengths by the grace and blessings of God; what then precisely were the driving forces behind her perseverance?

  • I must persevere in living;
  • I must persevere in serving as a missionary;
  • I must persevere in passing on the Gospel.

With a strong will to serve God, the writer came over from Macau to start her evangelical life in Hong Kong. What appeared to be an impossible mission initially turned out to be a blessing to many. With God’s guidance and care, she experienced one miracle after another.

This book is about how, with the driving power of God, a life warrior gets over the numerous hurdles in her path to become the first wheelchair-bound missionary in Hong Kong to proclaim the kingdom of God.

Alice, Christ’s Caring and Cheerful Servant – Without Eyes or Legs

Author: Alice Lai

Can see without eyes the spiritual needs of others and the value of eternity!
Can go out without feet to bless others and walk by the will of God!
To many, the writer’s life may be a complete tragedy! Because of delayed treatment, she lost her sight at an early age. Added to this were the repeated onsets of cancer in recent years which ended up with the amputation of both of her feet. Still, she rises to all these challenges with joy and faith, living her life to the fullest and kindling the lives of others with her sharing. She is able to do this because of her faith in God who turns curses into blessings, walks with her in the valley of death and wipes away her tears. By the grace of God, life to her is a stage on which she is dancing with God and acting out the many blessings in disguise she has experienced.

This book fully testifies how the grace of God is perfected in man’s weakness and how what seems impossible to man is perfectly possible in God. May readers of this book get to know the God from whom the writer draws her strength, place their faith and thanks in Him, walk with Him and live out their lives in abundance regardless of whether they are in good times or bad.

Art and Devotional: Exodus

Author: Annie Pan

Painter: Chim-yuen Wong

What has art to do with devotional? In this book, the writer takes us back a few thousand years to the time around the exodus of Israelites from Egypt through 40 Chinese paintings of Painter Chim Yuen Wong to experience with the Israelites the wonderful salvation, guidance and provision of God. The book comprises 40 paintings, each for reading and meditation in a daily devotional. Based on the scenes depicted in each painting and the awakening written remarks, we may draw inspiration from the past experiences of the Israelites and ponder how far they can fit into our current situations. By so doing, we may get strength, comfort and hope, and immerse ourselves in the endless grace of God.

10 Qualities that Move You from a Believer to a Disciple

Author: Dennis Rouse

Many Christians believe in Christ, but are not necessarily His disciples. Believers may rationally agree to the truths in the Bible and may sometimes feel the presence of God, disciples, on the other hand, are fully moved by such truths and the reality of God to the extent that they centre everything they do on Jesus in their lives.

This book lists the differences between believers and disciples and encourages us to do more to experience God. It also explains what is the key to the source of power that the church needs, namely the drive to groom believers to become disciples, thereby exerting far-reaching influence on the world. This is precisely the kind of zeal and enthusiasm that most churches have lost.

Killing Kryptonite

Author: John Bevere

As the world in which we live is nearing its end, we often feel powerless to cope with the daily challenges we face. Followers of Jesus may overcome these challenges and triumph over their enemies like Superman with the supernatural power from above. Even then, there is still the problem that such power is often taken away from us by a kryptonite, with the result that time and again, we fail in our struggle to break free from our obstacles. This is not the way God wants us to live. He expects us to emerge more than victoriously from every hardship.

In this book, the writer shares his own story of how he experienced breakthroughs in his life. Through his testimonies, he introduces to you the life-changing truths in the Bible which can arm you with power and confidence to influence the world around you.